Tänkvärt från Paolo Coelho

Looking at othe people's gardens

"you can give a fool a thousand intellects, but the only one he will want is yours",
says an Arabic proverb.

When we start planting the garden of our life, we glance to one side and notice our neighbor is there, spying. He himself is incapable of growing anything, but he likes to give advice on when to sow actions, when to fertilize thoughts, and when to water achievements.

If we listen to what this neighbor is saying, we will end up working for him, and the garden of our life will be our neighbor's idea. We will end up forgetting about the earth we cultivated with so much sweat and fertilized with so many blessings. We will forget that each centimetre of earth has its mysteries that only the patient hand of the gardener can decipher. We will no longer pay attention to the sun, the rain, and the seasons; we will concentrate instead only on that head peering at us over the hedge.

The fool who loves giving advice on our garden never tends his own plants at all.

Postat av: ullisar

nja.. alltså. jag gillar ju Coelho som författare men det här håller jag inte alls med om! jag tycker apselut vi ska kunna ge och lyssna på varandras råd. istället för att leva efter "själv är bäste dräng" lyder jag under "låt andra göra dina misstag" :)

va gulligt du skrev hos mig Hanna! jag blidde alldeles glad som du förstår!

2009-07-31 @ 14:54:00
URL: http://ullrika.se

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